zurück zum Inhaltsverzeichnis


1. "Homme de lettre"

2. "Haas - der Weltbürger"

3. Exilland Indien

4. Zurück in Europa

5. India - an 'ahistorical idea of history'

6. Anhang


Anil Bhatti:
Haas Willy (1891-1973)

6. The composer Walter Kaufmann (1907-84), left Prague for India in 1934. He lived tor twelve years in Bombay and worked in the music department of All India Radio and also did significant research into Indian music. The signature tune of All India Radio, familiar to all Indian Radio listeners, was composed by him. Kaufmann later worked as conductor and teacher in Canada and USA. Interest in his life and compositions has recently revived. Cf. Agata Schindler, 'Bühnenwerk als Schiffskarte nach Bombay', Sudetendeutsches Musikinstitut, Regensburg, 1996. Cf. also Agata Schinder's contribution to the present volume.

7. Cf. 'Career of Mr Vilem Haas', op. cit.

8. Germans Beyond Germany: An Anthology. Edited, with biographical notes, and an Introduction by Vilem Haas, Bombay: The International Book House, 1942; V. Haas, 'On Teaching German Literature', in The Punjab Educational Journal, Vol. XXXIX, September 1944 no. 6, October 1944, no. 7 and Vol. XLI, July 1945, no. 4; Vilem Haas, 'Franz Kafka', in Tomorrow 1, ed. by Raja Rao and Ahmed Ali_ Bombay: Padma Publication, 1943. This essay may well be the first publication on Kafka in India; Vilem Haas, 'The Problem of the German Jews in Exile', in The Indian Review, Vol. XLI, no. 10, Madras, October 1940. The Aryan Path, Vol. XII, no. 6, June 1941, published a discussion on 'Hindu Widows' in which Vilem Haas and Radhakamal Mukherjee presented what the editor of the journal called the 'Western" and the 'Indian' point of view. A full bibliography of Haas' publications in India is unfortunately not available and would be desirable in the context of a history of exile in India. Karin Sandfort-Osterwald, Willy Haas, Eingeleitet von Rolf Italiaander, Hamburg: Hans Christians Verlag, 1969 (Hamburger Bibliographien Bd. 8) omits the period 1933-52.

9. Willi (sic) Haas, 'Indische Probleme', in NeueRundschau (Stockholm: Bermann Fischer Verlag), October 1946, p. 85. Subsequently quoted in the text as NR and page number.

10. Willy Haas, 'Versuch über die indische Kunst', in Merkur, no. 43,1951, p. 866. Subsequently quoted as Merkur and page number. The essay is reproduced in a slightly abridged version in LW, 303-12. Haas often uses the same material in different contexts and different writings on India.

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